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At Gran's Place

Grandfather Francis (Frank) Pfeffer and Gran Emilie (aged 31) with their four oldest children Ernest, Annie, Victor and Janet.

I didn't know any of my grandparents really well - Grandfather Pfeffer died the year before I was born and Grandfather Vellacott when I was a few months old. My grandmothers didn't play a big part in my life but I remember them with love. Grandma Julia, after whom I was named, was unwell for the nine years I knew her, but I remember her as being kind and loving. I treasure a letter she wrote to me on my 7th birthday.

Gran Pfeffer, Mum's mother, played a bigger role. Some of we kids spent holidays at her place in Wynnum and I wrote about this for the Able 'Senior Stories 2022' collection. The writers retain copyright of their work so I'm sharing the story here.

My mother was eighth in a family of ten; it was a close family and all the aunts, uncles and cousins often met up at Gran's place.

Cousin Barbara and me at Gran's place.

It's a shame this photo isn't in colour so you could appreciate my bright blue 'towelling' shoes. I loved them.

Gran Emilie wasn't a typical Gran but we looked forward all year to our holidays there. I'll let my story tell you all about it. Hope you enjoy the short read.

Wedding Day 1901

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