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Holiday Bliss - Bula!

Updated: May 12, 2022

It’s one of the most relaxing holidays I’ve ever had and I plan to return. Fiji has had more than its share of problems with severe weather events and the pandemic, but it’s now ready to welcome visitors with open arms. And you can be sure of a very warm welcome.

My friend and I shared a bure close to the beach. It was a good decision. Luxury holidays in Fiji are very reasonably priced, check with your local travel agents. We loved the friendly staff who helped us choose activities and made sure we caught the right bus when we wanted to go off on our own.

We went off the beaten track, travelling in a rickety bus with the locals who were accompanied by their shopping of food from the markets and an assortment of livestock. I was happy to nurse a hen in a wicker cage and tried not to think about its future. The mud baths were invigorating although my swimsuit has never quite recovered.

At the resort we snorkelled and swam and sailed out to the reefs. The food was delicious with generous portions. The drinks were also generous – especially at Happy Hour when we took part in trivia quizzes, games and sing-a-longs. Holidays are for doing things you wouldn’t normally do, aren’t they? I rediscovered my love of snooker and thrashed my friend most evenings. I'll share more about the food and local culture in another post.

Photographs don’t do it justice. Go and experience it for yourself.

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Prue Stewart
Prue Stewart
May 11, 2022

As I’m watching and listening to the pouring rain, I can only dream of Fiji.

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