I’m very proud to be a member of the Boonah & District Cultural Foundation. For many years we have held an arts festival which is supported by local businesses and council, and embraced by the general community.
We feared it might die out during the pandemic but this year it was back with record numbers. Record numbers of competition entries and record numbers attending events. It is run by volunteers and need more people to join up and give support. It’s a labour of love for us all and we really do have lots of fun!

This year I entered all of the writing competitions and was thrilled to win 2nd prize for this poem:
I heard the koel call
Early, the street still sleeping,
The koel calls; again, again,
A signal call of rain
A strident, monotonous cry
The sound of a summer day
Storm season on the way.
Somewhere I read a comment:
‘A koel moved into my yard
It’s ruining my life!’
Somebody thought those words.
Poor besieged soul, so disturbed
By the warning call of a bird.
Some people call them storm birds.
My father did, who taught me
To listen to the song
Of the birds, they know
All that nature can bring.
And what they know, they sing.
The cultural foundation is by the community, for the community. Particularly enjoyable are the efforts of very young contributors.

In them lies our hope for continuing into the future.
Please take a moment to look through the links. I’d love to hear your comments. You can see and read all of the award winners here https://boonahartsfestival.org.au/award-winners-2022/
Juli, I feel the same about the wise Koel. What better warning system; not a siren, not a mechanical noise but a song. Love your poem.😊
Julie, It was so good to view all the winning events and especially to see you have won an award for your poem.
It was a great night and in fact a great week Julie! Congratulations on being awarded second prize.